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Cultural appropriation examples

The marching band I play in met to talk about cultural appropriation and music last night. We did a lot of background reading to prepare for the discussion, ...

Butter chicken

Going through some papers, Sh. and I came across the long-lost butter chicken recipe we developed for our committement ceremony in July 2010. We fed this to ...

Nous sommes réveillés

Car il n’est pas encore la fin du temps, la grève étudiante illimitée continue. Les négotiations “de dernière chance” de cette semaine ont échoué et les québ...

The students are still at it

Things have become far more serious here since my last rant, as Charest tries to distract people from issues such as the ongoing corruption inquiry by provok...

About those students

I’m starting to get rather frustrated with the student demonstrations here in Quebec. I’m impressed by their size and determination, I sympathize with their ...