Recent posts

Not made in China?

Over the holidays, Sh. & I saw handmade bowls at the home of friends who had received them as well-intentioned gifts, emblazened with “Not made in China!...

Still just monkeys, but with gaydar

While listening to the podcast “And the winner is…”, a compilation of CBC radio shows which have won awards in various competitions around the world, I heard...

On sex work

Everyone knows that sex work is not going to go away. In Canada and much of the world, sex work is also a very good way to get yourself badly hurt, or worse...


So not only did a plurality of Democrats chose a Black guy with the middle name Hussein, he beat the other candidates in pretty much every demographic group....

War, carcinogens, and other addictions

My personal list of countries safe to visit has decreased lately, thanks to the escalating war in Sri Lanka, Bhutto’s assassination in Pakistan, and inter-tr...